Make your smile count

Valley Elementary has been selected by Ohio Department of Health (ODH) as one of 94 schools in Ohio to be chosen to participate in Make Your Smile Count, an oral health program. 

Make Your Smile Count is a statewide dental check for third-grade students conducted by ODH. A licensed dentist or dental hygienist will give participating students a one- to two-minute check for cavities, fillings, dental sealants, and other dental care needs. Students must have a signed parent consent form to participate in the program. ODH will provide parents with a summary of any dental problems for each child so families can follow up with their regular dentists.  

According to ODH, research shows dental problems are one of the five leading reasons why children are absent from school and that children with recent dental pain are more likely to miss school and have lower grades. The Make Your Smile Count program allows ODH to collect first-hand data.

Valley is excited to participate in this program. Dental exams will be held at the school on Wednesday, February 7.